Want to sell your silver in Houston? Silverware, silver coins, silver jewelry? We’ll buy it and give you well above market prices for your metal.
I try to stay away from using the phrase our competitors use – “Top Dollar”, “Highest Payouts”, “#1 Dealer” and other related nonsense. Because it’s mostly a lie when they’re saying it… It’s a scam. They brag about their prices, but they won’t give you a quote.
If they won’t quote, you shouldn’t sell. If they’re too embarrassed to tell you their price, then don’t sell to them. If they have the best prices for silver or the “highest payouts” in the city of Houston, then they should be more than happy to give you a quote on your silverware, silver coins or silver jewelry.
It’s only the unscrupulous dealers who’ll try to convince you that the prices of silver are too volatile to give you an accurate quote. They’re not. The price of silver is volatile, yes…but it’s not THAT volatile…just give people a quote!! Jeez…very frustrating…
We don’t have anything to hide when we’re buying your silver in Houston…if you’re in River Oaks, Southhampton, The Heights, Upper Kirby District or Montrose, we’ll buy your silver jewelry, coins and silverware.
It’s not a complicated process…it’s simply a math problem. So don’t let anyone tell you that they can’t give you a quote…they can. And they should. Because that’s the business they’re in!!! It’s a scam if they’re trying to get you to come into the store…and it represents and old-school, insulting way of doing business…
Don’t allow yourself to be insulted. Come to a store where the owners treat you like an adult, with courtesy, respect and demonstrate some degree of integrity.
We’re trying not to be like the other guys when we buy your silver jewelry, coins or silverware. We’re trying to be different when we buy your silver.
So if you’re wondering what we sell, go here…to our Pinterest boards – this will show you what we buy and hopefully give you some good information…
And we’ll quote you when we talk to you over the phone…Houston Gold Merchants…we also buy silver…