Just a few of the large varieties of coins that are available through Houston Gold Merchants.
If you need to make a large bullion purchase in Houston, try Houston Gold Merchants. Through our networks of dealers in cities around Texas we can offer you access to inventory that large shops can offer while providing you with the personalized service that we’ve become known for. I recently brokered a deal for a client that included more than a few gold coins and his concern was whether or not we could make the deal happen. We could. I made it clear that I would ensure that he had his gold within 36 hours and we made the deal work. Sometimes it’s as simple as going to the safe deposit box at the bank. Other times it may be a phone call – but we’ll make a deal work for everyone involved. The client, our store and the dealer. At the end of the day, large bullion purchases require a certain amount of trust by the customer and we take that trust very seriously. It’s not enough to promise, you actually have to make good on the delivery and at Houston Gold Merchants, we can deliver on our promise to provide you with large amounts go gold and silver bullion for investment. Investment grade bullion comes in bars and coins and while everyone has their individual preferences, it’s a sure bet that everyone wants delivery sooner rather than later. Do you have concerns about placing an order and not getting your gold or silver for several weeks? So do we? Nobody wants to suffer that anxiety. At Houston Gold Merchants, you take custody of your gold and silver purchases the day you pay. Same day pay and pick up. There’s no waiting. No explanations of shipping or back orders or lost tickets or delayed shipments – you order bullion from Houston Gold Merchants and you get it on the day you arrive to pick it up. Why should bullion purchases be faith based? They shouldn’t. You should be able to get your stuff when you pay for it…not weeks later. So call Houston Gold Merchants the next time you need to buy or sell gold or silver bullion. In any quantity – because if we can’t help you, there may not be anyone who can. Houston Gold Merchants – We can handle the big stuff.